Four magic words: Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin: It’s one of those gem recipes that is so good and yet so easy that you almost don’t need a recipe. You literally just sear the pork, wrap in bacon, brush with honey and then roast. (I wish more recipes were this quick and easy to write out! 😂) Besides the tiny number of ingredients, the other big thing this has going for it is that the bacon keeps the pork really juicy. Pork tenderloin is extremely lean – in fact it’s slightly leaner than chicken breast even. Did you know that? There’s a bit of food trivia for you! So by wrapping it with bacon, the pork is protected which helps keep it extra moist when roasting. Plus, the fat from the bacon bastes the pork as it roasts which also adds to the juiciness.

What you need for Bacon-Wrapped Pork

Here’s the only things you need! (OK, ok … So salt and pepper make six ingredients in total. Free pass, I say! 😂)

Pork tenderloin – Also called pork fillet, this is a lean and tender cut of meat. When cooked properly, it’s juicy and succulent. Tenderloins range in size from small ones around 300g (10oz) to very large ones weighing up to 700g (1.4lb). (Not found in Australia, but I’ve seen ones this large overseas!) An average size is around 450 – 500g (16oz – 1 lb) each.Bacon – Use streaky bacon strips that are long enough to wrap around the pork. You’ll need anywhere between 7 to 10 pieces, enough for a slight overlap between each strip. The exact number depends on the width of the bacon and the size of your pork tenderloin.Honey – For the glaze. Combined with the bacon fat and salt, it transforms into a savoury, sticky and delicious coating that requires no other additions!Oil, salt and pepper – For seasoning and searing the pork.

How to make Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

I said you pretty much don’t even need a recipe. But here are the steps anyway. I would never leave you hanging out to dry! 🙂

What to serve with Bacon-Wrapped Pork

A starchy sidekick is called for here, to scoop up the residual bacon juices. Think: mashed potato, or creamy mashed cauliflower for the carb-conscious. Otherwise any standard plate-mopping companions from the bread family: crusty bread, hot flatbreads (this no-yeast one is a great easy one, otherwise, hot naan would be lip smackingly good too). Rest for 5 minutes, then baste one last time before slicing. Serve with remaining pan juices! As for a salad, the plate above features a modest effort involving just a handful of leafy mixed greens tossed with my everyday simple Salad Dressing. If you wanted to make more of an effort and to try something a little different, here are a few suggestions: – Nagi x PS I just realised this is pork-on-pork. Is that a faux pas, like denim on denim?? 😉

Watch how to make it

Originally published May 2015. Updated with much needed new photos and recipe video. But most important, a Life of Dozer section added! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Anything Bacon Wrapped is a GOOD THING!

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Life of Dozer

Latest attempt to keep him out of the kitchen….. SaveSave

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