This is a simple spice blend that is a copycat of those jars of seasoning for fries sold in the spice aisle at supermarkets. It adds more flavour to French fries than using just plain salt, as well as a lovely warm red colour. This is a fairly small batch recipe but you probably won’t use it all in one go so store leftovers in an airtight container between uses.

Spices in fries seasoning

Here are the spices you need to make this fries seasoning:

Salt – I like using table salt for this seasoning as the grains are finer than cooking salt/kosher salt so it sticks better to the surface of the fries. Salt flakes also works well, though I like to crush it slightly with my fingers for better surface dispersion.Onion powder can be substituted with more garlic powder, and vice versa.Oregano can be substituted with thymeParsley can be substituted with basilPaprika – I usually just use plain though sometimes if I’m feeling really wild I might use smoked paprika 😂Cayenne pepper – entirely optional, to add a touch of warmth to the spice blend.

Simple mix the spices together, then sprinkle as much as you want on your fries.

Leftovers will keep indefinitely but be sure to store in an airtight container so the spices stay dry. It’s so irritating when moisture gets into a spice blend and it goes all clumpy so you can’t sprinkle it properly! Love to know what you think if you try it – leave a message below! – Nagi x PS No video today, I thought the recipe as straight forward enough! But if you want to see it on fries, you will see it in the Homemade French Fries video.

Life of Dozer

Ah yes. That day I was trying to get a shot of Dozer jumping into the pool for the cookbook and he refused to get his locks wet. 😖

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