This sweet ricotta cream cheese dip recipe came to be in the 15 minutes of panic I have before every party I host. In the moments leading up to my guests’ arrival, I am seized with a single, nagging fear: what if, despite all my preparations, potluck assignments, and counting/recounting of the guests, we run out of food. The horror! The party in question was Friendsgiving, and despite the fact that I’d roasted a 21-pound turkey and had 14 friends bringing sides, I was worried about the appetizers. I only had a cheeseboard planned and (gasp!), we didn’t even have a dip. No self-respecting party should be without dip.

In a moment of inspiration fueled by desperation, I turned to my refrigerator and spied cream cheese and ricotta sitting innocently on the top shelf. I mixed the two together with a bit of honey, folded in some dried apricots I had lurking in the pantry, and then drizzled more honey on top. It was good, but it lacked crunch. The toasted pistachios I’d set aside for the cheeseboard were the answer. I sprinkled a handful on top, tried a bite, and… HEAVEN. This creamy honey ricotta dip is one of the most unique, delicious appetizers I’ve served at a party. In the end, we had far too much food, but no one regretted spoiling a little of their appetites on the dip, least of all the hostess.

How to Serve This Ricotta Dip

Ricotta Dip with Crackers. I’ve made this ricotta honey appetizer recipe a few times since, and after thorough testing with different varieties of crackers, my friends and I agreed that simple thin, buttery crackers like many of these taste best. Because their flavor is mild, butter crackers allow the flavor of the cream cheese, honey, and apricots to shine. I wouldn’t recommend a wheaty or nutty cracker. Though those are my favorites for cheeseboards, this cold ricotta dip fares better paired with something lighter. Ricotta Dip with Baguette Slices. I haven’t tested it yet, but in addition to being served as a cream cheese dip with crackers, I also think this recipe would be outstanding spread on thinly toasted baguette slices, similar to a ricotta and honey bruschetta. Ricotta Dip with Honey on Toast. If you have any ricotta dip leftover, it would also make an excellent upgrade to the classic Italian combo of ricotta cheese and honey on toast. Post holiday breakfast perhaps?

Make Ahead Tips

To Make Ahead. Prepare dip base up to 2 days in advance. Top with pistachios and final drizzle of honey just before serving.

More Easy, Elegant Appetizer Recipes

Spinach Puffs Hot Crab Dip Mini Fig Goat Cheese Bacon Bites

  This will be my last recipe post before Christmas. No matter what holiday you celebrate, I hope it’s warm and wonderful. Wishing you many blessings and special time with family and friends. <3  

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