If you want to impress the pants off your friends and family with a fancy but easy sounding salad, try this Pomegranate Molasses Dressing! Pomegranate Molasses is probably not the sort of condiment that most people have just lying around in the pantry, but once you pick up a bottle, you can rest assured it lasts for aaaaages. So there’s no hurry to use it. But really, once you discover it, you may just want to put it on everything! It’s like balsamic syrup. Thick and syrupy, tangy and sweet. You can even use it just plain, drizzled over salads with some olive oil.

Today, I want to share a Pomegranate Molasses Dressing. Something a little bit different, particularly delicious used on all manner of roasted vegetables. I’ve used it to make something a little different –  a quick healthy dinner bowl with Roasted Pumpkin, a Kale and Broccoli Slaw and Browne Rice, drizzled with this Pomegranate Molasses Dressing. I wanted to show you how it can be used to transform what would otherwise be considered a fairly ordinary bowl into something that sounds, looks and tastes so incredible! Plus super fast too if you use pre cut vegetables like I did. I used the David Jones pre cut pumpkin and Kale and Broccoli Slaw <– Seriously in love with this in particular. I’ve never shredded broccoli in my life. SO GOOD! Oh – I got a bit fancy pants and topped it off with pomegranate seeds. Because I just happened to have one in the fridge, and it just looks so pretty!

This Pomegranate Molasses Dressing keeps for weeks in the fridge, so it’s great for making a big batch to have on standby. It would probably be fine without refrigerating, but it has mustard in it which I refrigerate. So I keep this in the fridge just to be safe. – Nagi x


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