I have a secret obsession with S’mores. Strange for an Aussie-Japanese who has never lived in the US. I was only introduced to S’mores last year, but ever since then, I’ve always had a stash of marshmallows in my pantry so I can get a S’mores fix in various forms whenever I get the urge – without a campfire. Typically, I just sandwich marshmallows between graham crackers with a piece of chocolate, wrap with foil and heat in the oven until the marshmallow and chocolate are melted. I have also been known to do this in the microwave. I’ve also experimented with S’mores Spring Rolls (didn’t work so great), S’mores Triangles (also a flop) and S’mores Burritos (not bad! Might share this another time), to name a few. This is the most extreme S’mores fix in my rotation. I wish I could tell you it was secretly healthy or tell you it’s actually a power food, but sadly no. It’s just pure indulgence and there’s nothing healthy about it at all. But it is oh-so-enjoyable. It is so worth the calorie credits to consume a mouthful of this pile of S’mores heaven. This is deceptively and dangerously easy to make. You simply smear Nutella on bread (generously), then sandwich it with halved marshmallows, dip in egg/milk mixture and cook it like normal french toast. Then because you’ve already blown your calorie credits you may as well go all out and top it with your favourite chocolate sauce and more marshmallows. You’ve worked hard this week, go on, you deserve a treat this weekend!

More cute spins on French Toast

We all love classic French Toast – but sometimes it’s nice to try something different!

Cinnamon French Toast Sticks – and Bites! Strawberry Nutella French Toast Roll Ups Bacon French Toast Muffins Jam Jelly Doughnut French Toast Hasselback Baked French Toast Apple Cinnamon French Toast Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

More Tasty French Toast Recipes

S mores French Toast - 39S mores French Toast - 96